Fraunhofer IST – On the way to a greener battery.
Worldwide, the topic of sustainability is currently the focus of various development processes. Due to the increasing use of batteries, e.B. in the automotive industry, the recycling of batteries, i.e. the recovery of battery recyclables, is also of great importance.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF is funding three joint projects on the ‘Sustainable Battery’, including the SUSTRAB project, in which the Fraunhofer Institute for Coating and Surface Technology IST is also involved.
The project “Sustainable and Transparent Battery Materials Value Chains for a Circular Battery Economy” (SUSTRAB) investigates strategies for increasing transparency and resource efficiency within the value chain of battery materials and cells. One goal is to evaluate and improve the possible circulation of cathode active material.
This is where the work at Fraunhofer IST comes in. The researchers are engaged in the systematic and holistic investigation of the synthesis of cathode active materials based on different primary and secondary raw materials. The primary raw materials used in the project will be sourced from Australian sources and compared with commercially available primary raw materials.
This brings another project of the project to the fore. – an intensification of cross-value chain research cooperation with Australia.
In addition, battery materials used so far will be examined in more detail by means of targeted characterization methods and the results will be made available within a data platform along the entire battery value chain.
Fraunhofer IST is also involved in this and will carry out chemical characterization methods, analyze input and output currents as well as the intermediates with regard to their impurities and evaluate the cathode materials produced with regard to microstructural and physico-chemical properties.
Initial experimental work on the production of cathode materials from primary and secondary raw materials with accompanying characterization of the material properties is expected to begin in spring 2022.
To the project
The SUSTRAB project is coordinated by the Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology (IWF) at TU Braunschweig.
Together with the other partners BASF SE, the Fraunhofer Institute for Coating and Surface Technology IST and the BELLA (Battery and Electrochemistry Laboratory) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, TU Braunschweig is relying on cooperation with Australia as an important supplier of raw materials. The project is funded by the BMBF with approx. 2.65 million euros. Project duration is from 01.10.2021 to 30.09.2024.
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On the way to the green battery, December 1, 2021