Farasis, rethinking battery factory plans in Germany.
[Market Research Telecast] The construction of the planned battery factory of the Chinese manufacturer and Daimler supplier Farasis in Bitterfeld-Wolfen could come under further scrutiny. Upon request, the company announced that it was revising its Europe-wide “localization strategy”. This is about the decision as to which battery cells are to be produced where.The company left unanswered questions about the extent to which the construction of the planned factory in Saxony-Anhalt would be delayed or whether the construction of the factory could be overturned. All that was said was that Bitterfeld was still part of “potential localization strategies”. More details on the revised strategy will be made within the next six weeks.
The Handelsblatt had reported that the project in Bitterfeld may not even come about, but at least a delay in construction of around two years until autumn 2024 can be assumed.
The factory was supposed to open in 2022. According to earlier information, Farasis wanted to invest around 600 million euros for this. 600 jobs were to be created. According to previous ideas, the location should also become the Group’s new European headquarters. Farasis was founded in California in 2002 and is now based in Ganzhou, China. The company has its German headquarters in Frickenhausen near Esslingen.
Farasis is one of several battery cell suppliers to the car manufacturer Daimler. The Stuttgart-based company builds the batteries for their electric cars themselves. So far, they have bought most of the cells that are in the batteries. Farasis emphasized that deliveries to Daimler are ongoing and will also be secured for the future. A Daimler spokesman rejected speculations that the cooperation between the two companies had meanwhile broken down. The cooperation continues.
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Electric car: Daimler supplier Farasis is rethinking German battery factory plans, July 12, 2021