Batteries News

Wildcat produces 1MT of LFP – lithium iron phosphate – secures multiple customer offtake agreements

lithium iron phosphate wildcat

Wildcat produces 1MT of LFP – lithium iron phosphate – secures multiple customer offtake agreements.

Battery materials pioneer Wildcat Discovery Technologies today announced it produced one metric ton of high-quality lithium iron phosphate (LFP) cathode materials, enabling customer testing and advancing the company’s strategy for U.S.-based manufacturing.

The 1MT batch demonstrates Wildcat’s ability to support large-scale and repeatable production of high-quality cathode active material (CAM). In less than 24 months, the company created its superior LFP recipe in the lab, scaled up the synthesis, and completed the pilot-scale batch. Product testing is now under way with several battery cell makers, commercial truck and automotive manufacturers, and grid storage providers.

Mark Gresser, Wildcat President and CEO, said:

Customers’ feedback on our LFP samples has been overwhelmingly positive, and they also appreciate Wildcat’s unique expertise in optimizing battery integration.

“We are pleased customers’ offtake agreements already represent enough volume to fill our 15,000-ton manufacturing capacity in the first year.”

Producing material on the tonnage scale represents an important milestone in Wildcat’s manufacturing readiness. Over the past year, Wildcat has strengthened it’s manufacturing capability through addition of experienced leaders and industry-renowned consultants, partnerships with engineering firms, and the launch of a Manufacturing Advisory Board.

Wildcat has been developing battery materials since 2006, and it plans to build a plant in the United States to manufacture LFP in late 2026, lithium manganese iron phosphate (LMFP) in 2027, and disordered rock salt (DRX) in 2028. The plant, opening in 2026 with a 15,000-ton capacity, is set to double to 30,000 tons in 2028.

Gresser said:

“Customers in North America seek accessible, long-term alternatives to China-based CAM production, and Wildcat’s strategy is to provide the high-quality, U.S.-based materials they need,”

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Wildcat produces 1MT of LFP – lithium iron phosphate – secures multiple customer offtake agreements. source

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