Batteries News

Viridi Expands Leadership Team, Appoints Wayne Garrett as Chief Commercial Officer

viridi chief officer

Viridi Expands Leadership Team, Appoints Wayne Garrett as Chief Commercial Officer.

 Viridi Parente, Inc. (Viridi), a leader in developing the first and only fail-safe battery energy storage system that provides on-demand and affordable power for use in industrial, medical, commercial, municipal, and residential building applications, today announced the expansion of its executive leadership team with the addition of Wayne Garrett as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO).

With over two decades of experience as an accomplished executive sales leader, Garrett will lead sales and channel distribution for Viridi’s industry-leading, patented fail-safe distributed energy storage technology. In addition to his demonstrated success of implementing strategic growth and increasing profitability, Garrett’s expertise includes building high-performing sales teams and managing both direct and independent channel distribution partners.

Wayne Garrett, CCO of Viridi, said:

I am excited to join the Viridi team as its Chief Commercial Officer.

“Viridi’s innovative approach to energy storage is truly groundbreaking, and I am eager to leverage my experience in sales leadership and channel distribution to help drive the company’s growth. Together, we will continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible and make a significant impact in the energy sector.”

A former United States Army officer, Garrett attended the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and earned a Master of Science in Management (M.S.M.) degree from Colorado Technical University.

Prior to joining Viridi, Garrett served as Vice President of Control Sales for Johnson Controls and as an Executive Team Leader for Carrier Corporation, a multi-billion-dollar commercial equipment and control sales business. As the Managing Director of North America Applied Commercial Systems at Carrier, he oversaw all North American field channels, including Strategic Accounts and Global Distribution Export teams, with full P&L responsibility for commercial HVAC applied equipment sales.

Jon M. Williams, Chairman & CEO of Viridi, said:

We are thrilled to welcome Wayne to our team.  

“Wayne’s extensive expertise in sales leadership and channel distribution will be instrumental as we expand our reach and deliver our groundbreaking energy storage solutions to new markets. His proven track record of driving strategic growth and building high-performing teams perfectly aligns with our vision for the future.”

READ the latest Batteries News shaping the battery market

Viridi Expands Leadership Team, Appoints Wayne Garrett as Chief Commercial Officer. source

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