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Trina Storage and TÜV SÜD Ink Strategic Partnership for EU Battery Regulation Compliance

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Trina Storage and TÜV SÜD Ink Strategic Partnership for EU Battery Regulation Compliance.

Trina Storage, the leading global energy storage product & solution provider, is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with TÜV SÜD, a prominent certification authority. This collaboration, formalized at Intersolar 2024, the world’s leading exhibition for the solar industry, aims to establish a comprehensive product testing and certification program based on the new EU Battery Regulation (EU2023/1542), and to ensure Trina Storage’s energy storage products comply with the stringent requirements set forth by the new regulation.

The partnership will cover seven key dimensions as outlined in the EU Battery Regulation: restricted substances, carbon footprint, recycled materials, performance and durability, safety, information disclosure, and battery recycling. This holistic approach will ensure Trina Storage’s products meet all regulatory standards and contribute to sustainable and environmentally-friendly energy solutions.

Through this collaboration, Trina Storage and TÜV SÜD will thoroughly understand the EU Battery Regulation to ensure compliance. It will ensure the relevant personnel to be trained and fully knowledgeable about the regulation’s requirements. They will define the preconditions and foundational systems for each aspect of the regulation, completing the framework for these systems. In addition, they will prepare for conformity assessment based on the regulation’s requirements, current regulations, and detailed rules. The partnership will provide technical recommendations for carbon footprint calculations and battery passport implementation, assisting in the development of a digital platform to meet these requirements. The project outcomes will also be designed to meet the evaluation committee’s standards.

 Wei Sun, Vice President of Trina Solar, President of Trina Storage, said:

We are excited to collaborate with TÜV SÜD on this important project.

“This partnership is a significant step towards ensuring our products not only comply with the latest EU regulations but also lead the industry in sustainability and innovation. With TÜV SÜD’s expertise, we are confident that we will meet and exceed all regulatory requirements, positioning Trina Storage at the forefront of the energy storage market.”

TÜV SÜD brings a wealth of experience and expertise in regulatory compliance, certification, and sustainability consulting. Their proven track record in assisting companies to navigate complex regulatory landscapes will be invaluable in this project.

Christian Theeck, TÜV SÜD Global Head of European Battery Regulation Service, said:

We are delighted to work with Trina Storage on this forward-looking initiative.

“Our collaboration will help ensure that Trina Storage’s energy storage solutions meet the highest standards of performance, safety, and environmental responsibility.”

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