Batteries News

The Battery Market’s History is Being Written with Batteries Event 2023!

batteries event 2023

The battery market’s history is being written with Batteries Event 2023!.

BATTERIES EVENT 2023 will take place at Centre de Congrès – Cité Internationale in Lyon, France, from October 10th to 13th. In a few words, Batteries Event this is: the creation of a perfect forum where all the battery industry stakeholders will be able to meet, discuss industry trends and best practices – from the battery production to its recycling.

After a very successful edition in 2022 which gathered 750+ participants from the battery industry, their objective is to keep growing and welcome more than 1000 participants this year with nearly 100 stakeholders to showcase their products & services with individual booths. This is not without counting on the presence of around 130+ international speakers amongst whom top ones are already confirmed:

They have the pleasure to share their first version of the program*. To visualize it, you can follow this link:

*This program is a preliminary version and may be subject to further amendments.

And last but not least, Batteries Event also anticipate the future!

SAVE THE DATES for next years to come!

READ the latest Batteries News shaping the battery market

The battery market’s history is being written with Batteries Event 2023!, July 6, 2023

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