SK IE Technology starts production at second Lithium-ion Battery Separator plant in China. SKIET’s separator plants in Changzhou are operated by SK Hi-tech Battery Materials Jiangsu, an overseas subsidiary of the company. The company’s “Plant 1” in Changzhou started commercial operation as late as last November, and now, just five month later the company started running “Plant 2”.
By its partial operation of 170 million square metres – which is said to be half of of Plant 2’s total production capacity – SKIET now has 510 million square metre production capacity just in China; this of course includes the 340 million square metre capacity from Plant 1.
The rest of the production line at Plant 2 is still under preparations and the company aims to start operations in the first quarter of next year.
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SKIET has with the addition of Plant 2 in Changzhou, secured 1.04 billion square metre production capacity stemming from its operations in Korea, Poland, China, and so on. This is a milestone of separator production size that can be used in one million EVs per year. However, the company says that its production capacity will reach 2.73 billion square metres in 2024.
Roh Jae-sok, CEO of SKIET in a press release.
By providing premium separators with both high performance and safety, we will contribute to the rapid growth of the global EV market and continue to improve the production capacity and technology to build an exclusive lead in the market.
- SK Innovation’s material business subsidiary, SK IE Technology (SKIET), has started commercial production at its LiBS (Lithium-ion Battery Separator) Plant 2 in Changzhou, China.
SK IE Technology starts production at second separator plant in China, April 13, 2021