Batteries News

Samsung SDI Launches Battery Brand PRiMX

samsung sdi battery primx

Samsung SDI launched its battery brand PRiMX that conveys Samsung SDI’s unique identity. PRiMX stands for ‘Prime Battery for Maximum Experience.’ The brand was developed under the three keywords, ‘Absolute Quality,’ ‘Outstanding Performance,’ and ‘Proven Advantage.’

For PRiMX, trademark registration has been completed not only in Korea but also in Europe and is soon to be registered in the U.S. Samsung SDI will apply PRiMX to all batteries it produces to achieve high quality and technology befitting the three keywords. (Graphic: Business Wire).

Samsung SDI (KRX:006400) announced that it has launched its battery brand PRiMX (Pronounced as Praimax). Samsung SDI is to promote the super-gap technology strategy through the launch of the brand that conveys the company’s identity.

PRiMX stands for ‘Prime Battery for Maximum Experience.’ The brand was developed under the three keywords, ‘Absolute Quality,’ ‘Outstanding Performance,’ and ‘Proven Advantage.’

‘Absolute Quality’, the first keyword, means the safest and most reliable battery quality. Samsung SDI has strengthened quality control for the whole process from battery development to manufacturing and shipping.

It conducts a strict quality inspection such as selecting materials and design that can improve battery quality at the development phase, advancing the defect detection algorithm with the deep learning-based AI test at the manufacturing and shipping phase, and examining about 500 quality items throughout the entire manufacturing process.

‘Outstanding Performance’ means a high-capacity and high-power battery technology with Samsung SDI’s latest materials technology including high nickel cathode and silicon anode, and its unrivaled manufacturing capability. It is crucial to determine key performances, such as electric vehicle mileage and output of power tools.

‘Proven Advantage’ means user convenience achieved with the company’s independently developed technology. In particular, the super-fast charging technology developed using a new technique is said to be a groundbreaking technology to minimize the lithium-ion transport distance and time by reducing resistance inside the battery cell.

For PRiMX, trademark registration has been completed not only in Korea but also in Europe and is soon to be registered in the U.S. Samsung SDI will apply PRiMX to all batteries it produces to achieve high quality and technology befitting the three keywords.

With the launch of PRiMX, Samsung SDI opened a microsite and released a brand introduction video. The video helps viewers easily understand the meaning and characteristics of PRiMX.

Michael Son, Executive Vice President of Samsung SDI Strategic Marketing Team.

PRiMX is a battery brand that conveys Samsung SDI’s unique identity.

“We will develop the brand to reach the pinnacle of technology.”

For more information on Samsung SDI and PRiMX, visit and (microsite).


  • Provides the best experience with the top-quality battery
  • Unveiled PRiMX, a battery brand conveying Samsung SDI’s unique identity
  • Developed under three keywords: quality, performance and advantage
  • Microsite and introduction video are open to the public

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Samsung SDI Launches Battery Brand PRiMX, December 30, 2021

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