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QUANTRON Goes Global, Offers Revolutionary Zero-Emission Solutions, Opportunities for North American Investors

QUANTRON zero-emission solutions

QUANTRON goes global, offers revolutionary zero-emission solutions, opportunities for North American investors.

Quantron AG, Europe’s technology and range leader for H2 trucks and ecosystem operation, is scaling up global operations and unlocking a clean mobility future with an ecosystem fueled by hydrogen.

Building on exciting momentum over the last few months, QUANTRON has recently announced commitments with FirstElement Fuel and Goldstone Technologies Limited (GTL). The zero-emission solution leader also debuted its Class 8 hydrogen fuel-cell truck in the US at the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo in Anaheim, California in April 2023.

QUANTRON came to the US in October 2022 with a strong focus on hydrogen solutions for long-haul transport. The US represents a significant portion of QUANTRON’s long-term business plan. The truck will be a leader in range with 80kg of tank capacity at launch with plans to grow to 120kg.

This builds on QUANTRON’s plan to become a global H2 leader and offer an OEM agnostic ecosystem, with FCEV trucks ready for delivery, in Europe and North America, in early 2024. Since the ACT Expo, QUANTRON has had numerous discussions with prospective fleet customers and QaaS partners both in the US and Canada.

“QUANTRON has been building a strong ecosystem for Quantron-as-a-Service with our US Class 8 hydrogen fuel-cell truck and FirstElement Fuel hydrogen supply and distribution alliance.

Michael Perschke, Global CEO of Quantron AG at the Occasion of COLLISION Conference in Toronto, said:

Together, QUANTRON is meeting the great demand for zero-emission solutions and specifically hydrogen fuel-cell electric semi-trucks in North America.

“QUANTRON’s FCEV approach provides more range, scalability, and support infrastructure. This need will just continue to grow with recent announcements of clean air standards for heavy-duty vehicles and clean zero-emission technologies. We are excited to be meeting these needs.”

To further accelerate its growth, QUANTRON has officially kicked off its B-round funding with lead advisor STIFEL, seeking 200 – 250 million euro equity investment and 100 million euro in growth funding, recording strong registrations of interest from strategic and energy investors.

QUANTRON’s recent announcement with GTL is focusing on further investment in North American presence, building an AI powered fleet and zero-emission platform. ROQIT is an important third leg of the stool for QUANTRON’s North American QaaS capability, and the ecosystem continues to build.

Rick Haas, CEO of QUANTRON US, said:

Since the ACT Expo we have received strong interest from both the US and Canada.

“We are also seeing a trend of interest in FCEV Trucks powered by green H2. Canada is a strong market for H2 and Fuel Cell powered trucks – especially due to long distances, challenging climate conditions and also a growing supply of H2 produced e g with Hydro power. We’re eager to grow into this market.”

QUANTRON has formed a variety of alliances and joint ventures along the H2 value chain, including an H2 fueling joint venture to cover Europe.

The aim of ROQIT is to develop a digital transaction platform that will serve as the backbone of QaaS in the future. In addition, AI-driven software solutions will be developed that can be used independently of the manufacturer, such as large fleet customers.

The integrated platform consists of five digital pillars: fleet management, insurance-as-a-service, hydrogen economy, greenhouse gas accounting (GHG quotas) and data insights. The software offers a fleet overview dashboard, driver management, journey information, geo-fencing, charging or refueling infrastructure management, smart navigator, carbon credit tracking, roadside assistance, reporting module and a mobile driver app. No other active digital solution offers a greater range of services and transparency.

In addition to exciting business growth, QUANTRON is expanding its financial team with a new chief financial officer, Beate Reiman. He is a very experienced and successful financial expert who, as a first focus, will provide the company with targeted support for the next round of financing.


  • QUANTRON, a leader in zero-emission transport solutions and a Ballard Power investment, is scaling up global operations
  • After a very successful A-round, QUANTRON has now kicked-off its B-round funding and is targeting US and Canadian investors who seek a carbon reduction impact in their investment strategy with an integrated business model
  • QUANTRON and Goldstone Technologies Limited (GTL) recently formed a joint venture that will expand to Canada and the US. The joint venture, named ROQIT, builds a unique transaction platform with various digital solutions for meeting the needs of zero-emission fleets
  • Their new AI-driven mobility solution develops a transaction platform that will serve as the digital backbone of Quantron-as-a-Service (QaaS) in the future
  • The targeted market for fleet management up to 2032 is estimated to be around 70 billion US dollars

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QUANTRON Goes Global, Offers Revolutionary Zero-Emission Solutions, Opportunities for North American Investors, TORONTO, June 26, 2023

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