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LiTHOS Joins Elite Group at Alabama Mobility and Power Center

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LiTHOS Joins Elite Group at Alabama Mobility and Power Center.

LiTHOS Group Ltd. (“LiTHOS” or the “Company”) (CBOE CA: LITS), a leader in sustainable lithium production technologies announces its membership in the Alabama Mobility and Power (AMP) Center. This strategic alliance includes esteemed partners such as The University of Alabama, Alabama Power, and Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, positioning LiTHOS among an elite group driving the future of electric vehicle (EV) and mobility innovation.

The AMP Center is a premier research and development hub for EV and battery technologies, dedicated to pioneering solutions across the entire EV ecosystem, from raw material extraction to end-of-life battery recycling. The AMP Center is made up of government, academic, and industry partners committed to working together to develop the state’s EV ecosystem further. The objective is to stimulate economic development, train a specialized local workforce, and coordinate research into mobility and power to solidify Alabama’s status as a leader in the EV industry.

Scott Taylor, CEO of LiTHOS, remarked:

We are thrilled to collaborate with AMP and our fellow Consortium partners. 

“Alabama has proven to be an excellent location for our testing and R&D lab facilities, thanks to its talented workforce and supportive government. AMP will enable more companies to recognize the potential we’ve seen here, facilitating connections with industry partners and government agencies, and crucially, fostering the development of the skilled workforce we need as we scale up and expand our operations in the state.”

Strategic Partnership for R&D and Economic Growth

LiTHOS’s membership in the AMP Center underscores its commitment to cutting-edge research and development. This partnership will enable LiTHOS to leverage the center’s extensive network of industry, government, and academic partners to advance its innovative patent-pending AcQUA™ technology. The collaboration aims to tackle critical challenges in lithium extraction and battery technology, contributing to the overall growth and sustainability of the EV sector.

Brad Whisenant, Consortium Development Manager at the AMP Center, stated:

The AMP Center was created to unite the best minds from industry, academia, and government to drive innovation in the EV and battery sectors.

“We are excited to welcome LiTHOS to our consortium and anticipate groundbreaking projects that will benefit the entire EV ecosystem.”

“We at LiTHOS believe it’s important to be part of a collaborative approach to solving some of the industry’s largest issues, such as the elimination of evaporation ponds and pre-treatment of brines to improve the efficiency of lithium extraction. It is an honor to be part of AMP, and we look forward to contributing to its growth and ultimate success,” states Judson Lacapra, Chief Development Officer at LiTHOS.

Key Partners and Alabama’s Automotive Leadership

Alabama is a major player in the automotive industry, ranking among the top five states for automobile exports. The AMP Center, housed within the University of Alabama’s Alabama Transportation Institute, serves as a hub for research and development, workforce training, and economic development. With major partners like Mercedes-Benz, Alabama Power, and now LiTHOS, the center is well-positioned to lead advancements in EV technology and infrastructure.

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