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Lithium – Vulcan welcomes Germany’s Geothermal Acceleration Draft Law

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Lithium – Vulcan welcomes Germany’s Geothermal Acceleration Draft Law.

As an integrated geothermal energy and lithium producer operating in Germany, Vulcan strongly supports the draft Geothermal Acceleration Law which intends to strengthen the role of geothermal energy as a vital part of Germany’s renewable energy mix of the future.

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action has taken a significant step towards advancing geothermal renewable energy projects in Germany with the publication of a draft law for geothermal acceleration. The Geothermal Acceleration Law aims to benefit geothermal operators, federal states, and local authorities by removing obstacles to the development of geothermal energy, supporting Germany’s goal of generating 10 TWh of geothermal energy by 2030.

Vulcan is significantly contributing to Germany’s renewable energy transition through its commercial geothermal energy production in the Rhineland-Palatinate region. Vulcan’s existing geothermal renewable energy plant in Insheim, with over 10 years of successful operation, currently supplies renewable power to approximately 6,500 households.

Phase One of Vulcan’s integrated renewable energy and ZERO CARBON LITHIUM™ Project centres on initiating the first commercial phase of lithium production from its proven brine-producing area. Concurrently, Vulcan plans to substantially increase geothermal heat production, providing this renewable energy source to local communities through the district heating system as well as decarbonising industry.

Cris Moreno, Vulcan’s Managing Director and CEO, stated:

The draft law for Geothermal Acceleration is a powerful commitment to expanding Germany’s geothermal energy capacity.

“Our integrated renewable energy and ZERO CARBON LITHIUM™ Project will deliver geothermal heat production for more than 1 million people by 2030, supporting local communities in their endeavors to meet climate protection and regional heat planning targets. We believe geothermal heat and power is not only a cornerstone of Germany’s renewable energy future, but also a critical component in achieving energy security, reducing carbon emissions and fostering sustainable economic growth.”

Legislation Highlights 
The Draft Geothermal Acceleration Law has been sent to federal states and associations for consultation and seeks to simplify approval procedures for both deep and near-surface geothermal energy projects. In addition, this forward-looking legislation aims to expand and accelerate Germany’s geothermal energy capacity, reflecting a strong commitment to sustainable, green energy solutions.

Key aspects of the law include:

  • Support for Regional Heat Planning: Emphasising strong public interest and strengthening acceptance among local communities.
  • Facilitation of Geothermal Projects: Streamlining and expediting the implementation of geothermal projects, simplifying the authorisation and approval processes to reduce the current lengthy and bureaucratic procedures.
  • Alignment with EU Strategy: Aligning with the EU Parliament’s resolution for a comprehensive geothermal energy strategy to accelerate the deployment and investment in geothermal energy.
  • Geothermal Potential: Highlighting that geothermal energy can supply around a quarter of Germany’s heat requirement, establishing geothermal energy as the third pillar of carbon neutral energy generation.
  • Next steps: The draft Geothermal Acceleration Law, is anticipated to be passed by the federal cabinet in August.

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Lithium – Vulcan welcomes Germany’s Geothermal Acceleration Draft Law. source

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