INFICON leak detection experts to speak at the assembly show, automotive topics include leak testing EV batteries and robotic leak detection.
INFICON, a leading provider of automotive leak-detection systems, will have a major presence at this month’s Assembly Show at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in suburban Chicago.
The company will provide attendees with information on the latest trends in leak detection at its exhibit (Booth #1114) and during two Assembly Show presentations:
- Battery Leak Testing, Tuesday, Oct. 26 (10:00 – 10:30 a.m.)
- Robotic Leak Testing, Wednesday, Oct. 27 (3:15 – 3:45 p.m.)
Thomas Parker, INFICON’s North American automotive sales manager.
The Assembly Show is one of the year’s premier events for manufacturers of all kinds.
“We’re thrilled to be part of such an extraordinary show and are looking forward to meeting with key customers, suppliers and other industry leaders.”
Parker will share his insights on leak testing electric vehicle batteries as part of a Tuesday workshop, “Electric Vehicle Assembly: Challenges and Opportunities.”
“Leak tests have long been one of the most critical quality-control checks performed by automakers and their suppliers,” Parker explains. “Next-generation cars and trucks will require even more precise testing.”
He notes that reliable leak testing of electric vehicle battery cells is crucial because the highly flammable electrolytes they contain can spark fires. Even tiny amounts of humidity in a battery module can cause the system to short circuit, reduce service life and affect performance, including a vehicle’s driving range.
There also are special leak-testing considerations for EV cooling systems and high-voltage components such as motors, controllers and sensors. Fuel-cell-powered vehicles need to have leak-tight fuel-cell stacks, bipolar plates and hydrogen tanks.
Parker points out that modern tracer-gas test methods, which can detect leaks that are 1,000 times smaller than current air tests, are the most suitable for testing alternative drive components.
Dan Hoffman, INFICON’s national sales and service manager for leak testing, will discuss the latest applications in robotic leak testing on Oct. 27. Hoffman notes that robotic leak detection systems can help manufacturers reduce costs, improve quality and increase assembly-line speeds.
INFICON expects to see a significant increase in robotic leak-testing in the auto industry over the next five years, according to Hoffman. Robotic systems are becoming even more important with the growing transition to electric, hybrid-electric and autonomous vehicles.
Dan Hoffman.
Automated systems are the first step in eliminating costly human errors that often occur when tests are conducted manually
“Robotic leak testing also ensures that safety critical components such as traction batteries, fuel-cell membrane electrode assemblies, and advanced sensors and processors perform flawlessly for the life of a vehicle.”
Sponsored by Assembly magazine, The Assembly Show takes place Oct. 26-28 in Rosemont, Illinois, and hosts hundreds of exhibitors showcasing the latest assembly equipment and technology, as well as dozens of webinars, workshops, presentations, guided tours and networking events.
Now in its 9th year (last year’s show was canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions), the annual event draws top executives and industry leaders from a cross section of manufacturing sectors, including the automotive, consumer-product and computer industries.
- Automotive Topics Include Leak Testing EV Batteries and Robotic Leak Detection
INFICON Leak-Detection Experts To Speak At The Assembly Show, CHICAGO, October 18, 2021