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Germany – 500 Mllion Euros for more public EV Charging Infrastructure

germany public EV charging infrastructure

Germany – 500 million euros for more public EV charging infrastructure.

The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) is providing a total of 500 million euros by the end of 2025 for the further development of the public charging infrastructure in Germany. The aim is to set up a total of at least 50,000 charging points (of which at least 20,000 are fast charging points).

The first call for funding of the newly issued funding guideline “Publicly accessible charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Germany” was published: From 31.08.2021, companies, cities and municipalities, public institutions and private individuals can submit funding applications.

Andreas Scheuer, Federal Minister:

Charging must become the new refuelling: citizens should be able to charge their e-caranytime and anywhere – at the supermarket, on the roadside, at the restaurant or sports field.

This is the only way to achieve a breakthrough in electromobility in Germany. Currently, more than one in four public charging points can be traced back to our funding. With 500 million euros and our new funding program, we are now taking it a step further. With an initial 190 million euros, we are supporting the construction of around 18,000 additional public charging points. We are building on our successful predecessor program, with which almost 30,000 new charging points are already being set up. Further calls for funding will follow this year.

Johannes Pallasch, spokesman for the management team of the National Charging Infrastructure Control Centre (NOW GmbH):

This funding programme addresses all relevant scenarios with regard to publicly accessible charging infrastructure: in-between charging, for example in customer parking lots or on the roadside, as well as fast charging at axles or fast charging parks in urban areas.

A special focus is therefore on the promotion of fast charging points. In this way, we are doing justice to the continued high number of registrations of electricvehicles now and in the future.

In the first call for funding, the following are funded:

  • around 9,000 publicly accessible charging points with a maximum charging capacity of up to 22 kilowatts (normal charging points),
  • around 9,000 publicly accessible charging points with a maximum charging capacity of more than 22 kilowatts, where only direct current (DC) charging is possible(DCfast charging points) and
  • the grid connection belonging to a subsidized charging point or the combination of grid connection and buffer storage.

Up to 60 percent of the eligible costs are funded. All subsidised charging stations must be publicly accessible and run on electricity from renewable energies. The applications in the first call for funding can be submitted from 31.8.2021 to 18.01.2022.

In the first edition of the Federal Funding Directive charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, 300 million euros were available from 2017 to 2020. Around 30,0000 public charging points were approved. Almost 13,000 of them have already been set up, including around 2,000 fast charging points.

Parallel to the new funding guideline, the BMVI supports the development of the charging infrastructure, among other things, with the funding programs for charging infrastructure on site and for the purchase and installation of private wallboxes. In addition, the tender procedure for the Deutschlandnetz with 1000 fast-charging locations will start shortly.


  • Scheuer: Charging must become the new refueling

500 million euros for more public charging infrastructure, August 17, 2021

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