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Funding for German battery research threatened to stop from 2025

funding battery research

Funding for German battery research threatened to stop from 2025

The German government speaks of battery technology as the key to “technological sovereignty,” but is no longer planning to allocate any funds for new research projects in the coming years. The automobile industry is horrified.

Bettina Stark-Watzinger ( FDP ), A spokeswoman for Research Minister  told SPIEGEL on Friday:

The federal government wants to end the funding of battery research via the Climate and Transformation Fund (KTF).

”In the current multi-year financial plan, no new funds are planned for this special fund. Until now, it covered the majority of activities in this research field. “With the remaining funds from this title, it is therefore unlikely that any new battery research projects can be started from 2025,”

. However, care will be taken to ensure that all ongoing projects can continue to be financed. In the current year, “new impulses” could also be set, which are secured with commitment authorizations until 2028.

The Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) expressed alarm.
“While the traffic light coalition was still talking about making Germany a center for battery cells a year ago, research funding is to be completely eliminated in the future,” . The planned cuts are “exemplary of the contradiction between the set goals and actual policy.”
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Funding for German battery research threatened to stop from 2025, source

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