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Experts analyze the future of lithium in Chile

lithium in chile

Experts analyze the future of lithium in Chile.

Within the framework of the celebration of the Chinese New Year , on the occasion of a Chinese cultural inn held in Providencia, three experts analyzed the future of lithium in Chile. 

In the event, the CEO of Andesvolt, Santiago Habit, highlighted the immense potential of lithium in Chile in the global decarbonization process, according to what was reported by Nueva Minería Chilena.

The expert stressed the importance of multi-sector collaboration to maximize this resource, citing the project in Antarctica as an example of the crucial role of lithium in the energy transition.

“I see lithium as a cornerstone for Chile to lead decarbonization globally. Currently, I am involved in a flagship project to decarbonize Antarctica, where storage batteries, whose main component is lithium, play a crucial role,”

“We seek to add added value to lithium in Chile and, to do so, it is essential to have the support of experienced companies like Tianqi, to strengthen the added value chain of this mineral,”

Likewise, the hydrogeologist, VP of Monumental Energy Corp in Chile , Mariana Cervetto , contributed a unique perspective on lithium mining.

Nueva Minería Chilena, said:

Chile has extraordinary potential with its extensive lithium salt flats, but the challenge lies in protecting these ecosystems.

“Mining must be responsible and have the least possible impact. In addition, it is essential to innovate in extraction methods, such as rock mining and clays, to preserve the integrity of our salt flats,”

On the other hand, the founder of SocialLab, Pedro Rivadeneira , shared his vision on Chile ‘s strategic position within the so-called “lithium triangle”, emphasizing Chile ‘s historic opportunity to establish regional standards and promote sustainable development that is respectful of communities. local.

” Chile has a strategic position in the lithium triangle, which allows us to establish regional standards and promote sustainable development. The synergy between the bioceanic corridor and the lithium triangle presents a historic opportunity,” he emphasized.

Alliances of Chile and foreign companies

The experts agreed on the importance of foreign investment, particularly in the China – Chile alliance , to develop the lithium industry. 

In “New Chilean Mining”, they highlighted the potentially transformative role of Tianqi, not only in technological terms, but also culturally, by integrating aspects of the Andean and Chinese worldviews into a common goal of sustainability.

Mariana Cervetto, said:

Attracting foreign investment is vital for the development of our lithium mining.

“The collaboration between China and Chile , in particular, can be very positive, providing new perspectives and enriching our approach to mining,”

Finally, the founder of SocialLab, Pedro Rivadeneira , addressed how Tianqi should influence Chile .

“Tianqi has the opportunity to make a difference by adopting a sustainable approach that respects both natural and cultural heritage. They have experience in sustainable operating practices not only in China but also in Australia , both in mining and refining,”

“In addition, the Andean and Chinese worldviews have convergences that can be used for a common objective. If Tianqi integrates these aspects into its strategy, its influence can be transformative and beneficial for all,”

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