Batteries News

CATL – Beijing Times battery manufacturing base starts construction!

CATL Beijing Times battery manufacturing

CATL – Beijing Times battery manufacturing base starts construction!.

The groundbreaking ceremony for the Beijing Times battery base project, which was jointly invested and constructed by CATL, BAIC Group, Jingneng Group, and Xiaomi Group, was held in Beijing. Relevant Beijing government representatives, CATL Chairman and CEO Zeng Yuqun, BAIC Group Chairman Zhang Jianyong, Jingneng Group Deputy General Manager Zhang Fengyang, Xiaomi Group Vice President Lin Shiwei and other leaders participated in the project foundation laying. Liu Yu, deputy general manager of BAIC Group, Wu Yingming, chairman of the supervisory board and ecological development committee of CATL, Shi Wei, deputy secretary of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Working Committee, and Su Guobin, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, delivered speeches respectively. Meng Xiangfeng, general manager of Beijing Times, presided over the speech. Groundbreaking ceremony.

The Beijing Times battery base project is designed in accordance with the high standards of “Lighthouse Factory + Zero-Carbon Factory” and adopts CATL’s most advanced high-tempo, high-automation rate, and high-flexibility production lines. Upon completion, it will serve the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region for BAIC, Xiaomi, Ideal, etc. Automobile company customers provide battery products with stable mass production and high quality to help customers improve the competitiveness of new energy products. At the same time, Ningde Times will also drive more upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain to settle in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, improve the overall ecological competitiveness of the new energy industry chain and supply chain in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and help local economic development.

In the future, CATL will continue to use leading technologies, products and solutions to jointly promote cooperation with Beijing in areas such as transportation electrification and charging and swapping infrastructure construction, and will also join hands with BAIC Group, Jingneng Group, Xiaomi Group and other companies to build A group of “Beijing models” of green, low-carbon and high-quality development have contributed to the creation of new energy industry clusters with global competitive advantages.

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