Batteries News

CATL to build battery plant in Guangdong; US$1.9B with 25 GWh in first phase, 150 GWh by 2030

catl battery plant guangdong

CATL and the Guangdong Provincial Government signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement in Guangzhou for the development of a battery plant.

Zhaoqing Municipal Government, Guangdong Shipping Group, Guangzhou Public Transport Group, Guangzhou Environmental Protection Investment Group and CATL signed strategic cooperation framework agreements. Ma Xingrui, Governor of Guangdong Province, and Zeng Yuqun, Chairman of CATL attended and witnessed the signing too.

CATL will invest in the construction of a lithium battery production base in Zhaoqing, Guangdong. The first phase is planned to build a designed production capacity of 25GWh and an investment of 12 billion yuan.

The construction includes power battery cells, lithium battery materials, energy storage applications, battery recycling, new energy vehicles, drive motors and The new energy industry chain in the fields of electronic control and other fields, and comprehensive cooperation in the frontier fields of the industry; strive to plan and build 150GWh of lithium battery production capacity and related supporting industries in Guangdong by the end of 2030, and drive the formation of a trillion-level industrial cluster of the new energy industry chain.

With the general trend of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality becoming a global consensus, this strategic cooperation is not only an important layout for CATL to build a closed-loop power battery industry chain and enhance global competitiveness, but also help Guangdong build a world-leading new energy source.

The comprehensive industrial base is of great significance to the acceleration of the national strategy of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the strategic fulcrum for Guangdong Province to create a new development pattern.

The signing ceremony of Ningde Times Power and Energy Storage Battery Zhaoqing Project (Phase I) was held in the small auditorium of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee, marking the official settlement of the Ningde Times production base in Zhaoqing, opening a new chapter of mutual cooperation between the two parties.

CATL and Guangdong Province signed a strategic cooperation agreement, (in Chinese), February 2 2021

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