Batteries News

Canada – First Bidirectional EV Battery Charging Hub Launches in British Columbia

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Canada – First Bidirectional EV Battery Charging Hub Launches in British Columbia.

Coast to Coast Experiences (CTCE), determined to electrify its fleet in North America, introduced Canada’s first Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) pilot project for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, demonstrating the very first bidirectional electric vehicle (EV) charging hub in British Columbia. 

Working with BC Hydro, The Lion Electric Company (NYSE: LEV) (TSX: LEV), BorgWarner, PowerTech Labs and Fermata Energy, CTCE is creating the first rapid, deployable, end-to-end V2G mobile power infrastructure in Canada, enabling stored energy from CTCE’s electric bus fleet to support power grids, such as BC Hydro peaking and demand response initiatives. The pilot is designed to test the technical feasibility of bidirectional charging and mobile grid infrastructure, opening up the opportunity to monetize electric fleets. In collaboration with the pilot program partners, Fermata Energy’s bidirectional charging platform enables the parked electric buses to be utilized as mobile batteries with stored energy discharged to mitigate peak energy demand, send power back to the grid, lower the vehicles’ total cost of ownership and create value for electric fleet operators.

The initiative lays the groundwork for future deployable V2G charging hubs in Canada and North America. CTCE’s partnership with other critical industry leaders in advancing V2G technology will also highlight the essential role an electric bus fleet can have in offsetting the peak capacity of utilities, such as BC Hydro, during peak periods. 

CTCE electric buses, which stand idle many hours each day, can become valuable mobile power plants, allowing utilities, such as BC Hydro, to leverage power from the bidirectionally-enabled electric vehicle during peak periods to offset the grid. This will be especially crucial during inclement weather and natural disasters when extreme pressure on the grid creates the potential for outages.  

Rob  Safrata, CEO of Coast to Coast Experiences and Novex Delivery Solutions, said:

Ultimately, we are creating grid infrastructure solutions for an electrified transportation ecosystem that will provide for an end-to-end V2G mobile power infrastructure.

“This enables commercial electric vehicle fleet operators, when their vehicles are sitting idle, to create a high-power, mobile, bidirectional power plant capable of supporting grid resilience, peak shaving, and powering buildings.”

Tony Posawatz,  CEO of Fermata Energy, said:

This project implements an exciting milestone for Fermata Energy and the V2G industry as we successfully demonstrate bidirectional charging on the Combined Charging Standard (CCS1), which has been widely adopted in the North American market.

“Our integration with Lion Electric and BorgWarner allows us to leverage our AI-driven cloud-based V2X software platform to determine where power is needed most as we support CTCE in maximizing the value of their electric fleet,”

“In collaboration with Powertech Labs and BC Hydro, this pilot is a great opportunity to capitalize on existing resources to build a stronger grid, create additional sources, and ultimately provide grid stability and economic value to ratepayers.”

Nicolas Brunet, President of Lion Electric, said:

Lion all-electric buses serve as mobile batteries capable of enhancing power grid resiliency. Our vehicles are equipped with V2G technology, a smart, bidirectional charging technology that redirects unused power from the electric vehicle back to the power grid.

“The pilot project aims to demonstrate the possibilities and impact of this innovative technology, which can support various power needs and generate revenue for the operator. Our electric buses are capable of providing V2G solutions today, marking another milestone in demonstrating benefits of electric transportation and enhancing the feasibility of electrification” Brunet emphasized.

Chris O’Riley, President and CEO of BC Hydro, said:

With the growing adoption of electric vehicles, bi-directional charging represents a unique opportunity to use stationary vehicles as back-up batteries to charge electronic devices, homes and businesses and even send power back to the grid when demand is high.

“This trial marks the first of its kind for large vehicles in Canada, and we are excited to work with Coast-to-Coast Experiences and Powertech on this innovative technology that has the potential to benefit all British Columbians.”

Rob  Safrata, CEO and owner of CTCE Experiences and Novex Delivery Solutions, said:

Environmental responsibility is the cornerstone of our business.

“Together, with our industry partners, we are transforming the health of our communities by merging innovation and technology as we electrify the bus industry across North America,” Safrata continues. “Additionally, we will prove our ability to generate additional revenue streams by monetizing our electric buses from the sale of power back to the grid to offset peaking capacity during key periods of the year.”

“I am very proud we have finally come to this moment and want to thank our partners as collaboration is key when mounting new infrastructure,”

continues Safrata,

“This pilot sets the groundwork for CTCE to partner with utilities in all the markets we operate in around North America. Our company hopes to inspire others to make different choices for the benefit of our health, our homes, and our planet.”

The V2G pilot project is fully commissioned and operational over the next 2 weeks, participating in a variety of grid programs while creating a V2G road map for BC Hydro and laying the foundation for distributed V2G charging hubs throughout North America.  

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Canada – First Bidirectional EV Battery Charging Hub Launches in British Columbia. source

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