Batteries News

Bold is Delighted to Announce Dr Karin Eurenius, PhD has Joined us as Director of Electrification

bold electrification

Bold is delighted to announce Dr Karin Eurenius, PhD has joined us as Director of Electrification.

Karin comes in to lead the electrification engineering development group, designing and developing cutting edge battery systems for high-performance applications.

When asked why Bold?

Karin Eurenius, said: 

I have always been fascinated by materials since very early on and I have strived to be part of a company applying these technologies with a green tech thinking, valuing a clean environment.

“I would love it if my work could make a difference for my children and future generations”

Discussing the impact we should expect, Karin said she is keen to work on developing the product portfolio towards novel generations of battery systems by adding her tech and scientific experience within the battery and fuel cells industry.

Karin added her hope is to “keep the company´s agile edge, keeping a focus on quality, streamlined communication and inclusiveness” Karin wants to “keep Bold´s open discussion field and flat hierarchy at all costs, to ensure we capture the best ideas moving forward and continuously improve on existing work.”

So how have the first few weeks been for Karin?  

“It´s striking how exciting the company is, both from a tech and product point of view, but at the same time an efficient, intelligent and a very pleasant place to work. The fact that there is design, development, production and testing in house and all this from a company that was founded during a pandemic!”

“Going from one person in a residential house to 120 employees with excellent customers and constantly ongoing business, speaks volumes about the attitude within, staying true to of the most important things in business: treat your most important assets, your people, like the true value of the company.”

READ the latest Batteries News shaping the battery market

Bold appoints new Director of Electrification, March 28, 2023

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