Batteries News

BMW Group starts construction of new assembly plant for high-voltage batteries in Lower Bavaria

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BMW Group starts construction of new assembly plant for high-voltage batteries in Lower Bavaria.

The first support is in place: With the erection of the first concrete support, around twelve meters high, the BMW Group is officially starting construction of the future production site for high-voltage batteries in Lower Bavaria. In total, around 1,000 supports will be erected over a surface area of ​​​​300 by 500 meters in the coming weeks.

Construction of the outbuildings will also begin this summer.

Alexander Kiy, overall project manager at the BMW Group for the plant construction:

With the erection of the first support, we have reached an important milestone.

“The production building, including the facade and roof, will be closed by the end of this year. After the shell has been completed, we will begin installing the production facilities for the high-voltage batteries next year.”

The new plant in Lower Bavaria will become part of the BMW Group’s global production network. In order to supply the automobile plants with the next generation of high-voltage batteries, the company is building a total of five such production facilities on three continents.

Rapid construction progress with local partners

Before the supports are set up in individual foundations, the existing, relatively soft subsoil is made load-bearing by milling in a lime-cement mixture. The supports, together with 2,500 steel lattice girders, form the structure, followed by the facade and roof and the closing of the building.

In order to meet the tight schedule for building the new production site, the BMW Group is using prefabricated components.

Silvia Meyer, Project Manager Construction, Facility Management and Safety for the new BMW Group plant:

This saves us time and allows us to build the building more quickly than with conventional construction methods, where the components are manufactured directly on site. In addition, using prefabricated parts means that water requirements on site are up to 65 percent lower.

The BMW Group also makes sure to involve mainly local companies. For example, the base plate for the supports is cast using concrete delivered “ just in time ” from the region.

Construction of utility buildings to begin in mid-year

Construction of the so-called “terraced house” – the three main supply buildings – will begin in summer 2024. The energy center, service center and fire department will be built as free-standing structures south of the production building. More than 20 full-time emergency personnel will work in the site’s own fire department.

Humus improves a variety of agricultural areas in the region

In April 2024, the BMW Group received official building permission to build the new assembly plant for high-voltage batteries. A basic condition for obtaining building permission and the associated start of construction was the careful and careful removal of the fertile topsoil. 75,000 cubic meters of humus from around 25 hectares have already been transported to gravel and clay pits in the districts of Straubing-Bogen, Deggendorf and Regensburg. In four of these pits, a total of 34 hectares of new recultivated areas for agricultural use will be created.

In May and June, local residents collected more than 5,000 tons of humus free of charge. A further 600 cubic meters of topsoil form the meadowland around the new Pusteblume daycare center in the neighboring community of Oberschneiding. The soccer field in Straßkirchen is also one of the areas where soil from the BMW Group’s property is used.

The more than 150,000 cubic meters of humus from the additional area of ​​​​the first construction phase will be temporarily stored on the site of the planned second construction phase until late summer. The BMW Group will make this humus available to farmers after the 2024 harvest. More than 50 regional companies have so far expressed their interest. The use of the humus requires proof of sensible further use, which is professionally documented.

New information container opens for the first time on 28 June for all interested parties

The construction of the high-voltage battery assembly plant in Lower Bavaria is attracting a great deal of attention from citizens. Detailed information and open, regular exchange are therefore a central, accompanying measure of the project.

On June 28th (3 p.m. to 6 p.m.) the BMW Group will open the doors of the new information container on the construction site . In direct discussions with BMW Group employees, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about developments on the construction site. In the future, the BMW Group will invite people to a direct exchange in the information container, directly on the construction site, once a month.

The respective dates can be found on the Facebook page and the BMW Group website:

The BMW Group handed over the previous information pavilion in the center of Straßkirchen to the municipality. In mid-June, employees of the Straßkirchen building yard moved the pavilion to its new location in the garden of the St. Elisabeth kindergarten. The conversion into an art barn is being carried out on behalf of the municipality of Straßkirchen with the Lower Bavarian artist Hubert Huber.

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BMW Group starts construction of new assembly plant for high-voltage batteries in Lower Bavaria. source

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